I went to SJMC to check my body. There is really something inside my body. Aynwhere, i am still ok and will be taking vitamins within 3 weeks. Hopefully, with more bless from myself and more care to myself, i will be recover after 3 weeks. Else, i may need to go on an operation though it is not a very much operation.
Thanks for
Alice whose latest blog did give me some lessons and inspiration.
Maybe, you (visitors to here) found out that my blogs are always about sadness and negative perspections about life. unconciously, my blogs are always "grey in mood" and revealed the darkness that shade my heart. After reading Alice's blog, i realised that i had been criticizing about my life too much recently without giving effort to perceive somethings beneficial to me that lies behind something bad that happened to me. Ya, she is true, there is no who i am now if there is nothing bad and good happened on me. Good, brings pleasure and comfort of feelings to one; wheareas, bad, brings the lessons behind it if one tries to treat it positively and figure out a better solution to prevent the same hapening again.
It is just a simple knowledge about how we see and handle something around us. But, it is always hard to practise especially when we are confrontating or encountering bad events. I will take it into practice ^_^ .
take a break...to charge energy...hold glasses in position...to see clearer...take the hotdog bread in position... to be put into mouth...hmm...it's life about. he's William ^_^
This picture seems like contains of De Stijl order
**(context below is hardly connected with context above. Anyhow, it is also a something i perceived after the test)
The architecture history test was over. I dislike preparing for test like hell by reading lots of books and 'deadly' memorise those 'built time' and 'built place' that i think it is not the essense of context as long as i roughly know the place and the time period. Still, due to the desire to get higher marks to compensate the failure in test last time, i memorised 'deadly' and 'rigidly'. Anywhere, i have a very subjective personnel summary of what i have read.
Russian (suprematism and constructivism)
--one emphasized in self expression in arts while the other one strongly emphasized applying arts in public way and utilitarialism way. There was the extremism in between two opposite stream of idea. So, i think they should not be so emphasized firmly because there are so many kind of different people in perceiving arts by themselves. Too much force will just bring "reversing effect" that goes beyond expectation. There is a Chinese metaphore-- water carries the boats, and sink the boat as well. Anything can be taken in moderate way, and in balanced situation, else one has to bear the responsibilty for overtaking. What that beneficial to us, can be vice versa.
De Stijl (the style)
--emphasize to spread the 'new' style of architecture and arts to universe in its own 'order' about dynamism and purity of lines, colors, and levels. It supposed to be "international", but for me, somehow it is just something very subjective to value about. Some may not like this style though i like it. And i wondered why this period was about "the style" internationally, honestly, it is just something very personnel, started from a group of people, trying to affect the others. Again, it went extremely, like what i mentioned above, and it ended shortly. Yin & Yang tells the balance la ^_^ , you can not abandon or ignore small group of people even they are so little like the white and black dot in the Tai Ji image oppositely. Their existence is inevitable.
--the context in this chapter is really inspiring with brilliant and sublime ideas of buildings in future which human are still now in the process in achieving (or maybe in realising). Somehow, i think of the city outlook in Minority Report where there is no mass of individual buidlings, but a cornubation that interconnected and intergrated (shopping place> dwelling unit> woking places> transportation lines> etc) . Really feeling want to cry out "WAH..."
**the lower part section of this blog is mainly for my coursemates. hopefully, others won't fall asleep in front of your computer ^_^ **
quote dave's --- THIS TOO SHALL PASS ^_^