Housing Design in JB
My concept is "Transition". It is about my architecture (the beings) in a constant state of transition (beings thus become becomings). It is a responsive indication of time flow and human activities changes. Its original inspiration is derived from the moveable foodstall structure in Malaysia that shows the high quality of transformability and nomadism.
In relation to typical petrifying repetition of massive terrace-housing projects and non-humanistic bigness of apartment projects in Malaysia…
My architectural and urban design in this housing project is anti-mundane, anti-singular and anti-monotonous . That is why I put the programs of living, working and communal spaces together in a much more humanistic sense and scale . This is to encourage social interaction of the regional community, like what Jane Jacobs’s reminiscence—the ‘drama of life’ and the ‘ballet on street’. The design is meant to be happening . The realization of the happenings actually adds the ‘Vitality of the Place’. According to Norberg-Schulz, “Character depends on how things are made, and is therefore determined by the technical realization.” Martin Heidegger points out that the Greek word ‘techne’ meant a creative revealing of truth, which is, “making”.
Compact society [Being]
According to Heidegger, dwelling requires the establishment of not just places but of temporal situations. Laurence Robinson wrote that, architecture can investigate the concepts of temporal collage and contrast (Lynch), weathering and display of environmental change. My architecture is not the display, but the indication of environmental transition. It changes according to time, weather, cultural festivals, and public events . It is the connection with the nature and people.
Transition [Becoming]
(I can't control the Slide transition direction and focus, so there may be some failure of appropriate message delivery.)
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