Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Back to origin for a moment

What is CNY? Is it Chinese New Year? Then what is it? I read an article on Sin Chew Daily today and i think it is nice to share with my friends. I made a summary of it, i have tried to translate it as well as edit it. Hopefully, words beyond do mean the correct things and able to bring some convenienve to people.

Nowadays, people are getting to forget and abandon the meaning of Chinese New Year. For many teenagers and citizens, enjoying CNY does not run away from watching tv programs, resting in house as if CNY is an extra holiday, traveling to foreign countries as if CNY is another travel season, etc. Thus, CNY is becoming lack in context and meanings, like it is just a form of materialism. For an instance, addicted to watch tv programs during CNY, thus TV3 (or NTV7 or whatever) becomes the lord of this special occasion, artists from entertainment field control the emotion of Chinese people. The question is, is it (watching tv, etc) the best way to look for joys of CNY? It may be economical and easy to fit your "need" without wasting much human source, but why don't you try to "work" out the atmosphere and the event to reveal the meaning of CNY for your family or younger generations? Materialism sometimes brings laziness.

CNY in tradition does mean a lot to Chinese people in the aspects as the reminder of culture, belief, love, spirit and other humanism values. But, it is being surfaced beyond context to be more popularized and more acceptable to everyone, the same happening on other festivals. Nowadays, regards from all can be easily sent to each other by email, SMS, phone call, etc. Technology brings convenience to contact people. World is being developed, value is being decayed. Faith and sincere is lack to be perceived in this kind of sending regard methods. Did you notice it? Or you did not, because you are also lost without noticing any changes around you.

Qing Ming; there is silence and contemplation. Zhong Qiu; there is old belief of myth and legends. Duan Wu; there is the reminiscence of history. Yuan Xiao, there is the pleasure of gathering together. CNY; is the sign of new coming, the mark of spring representing something new and good is coming to replace those which are old and bad, the resurrection of traditions. For this CNY, why don't we set apart modern world, and let us find out identity, as well as spending our time to get back to the origin (tradition) for a moment. Conservation doesn’t mean too bad.

Bless to all. Wish to all. ^_^
